Employment, Skills and Support Hub
Get Ready for Work Event
3 day Recruitment Event hosted by BwD Employment Support between 11th – 13th February 2025.
- Finding the right job for you
- Retraining and upskilling
- Application and interview preparation
- Building confidence and removing barriers
- Improving your future prospects

National Careers Service
We provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.
Aged 18+ we can help with decisions on learning training and work.
- Have you been made redundant?
- Changing jobs or affected by Covid?
- Unsure of your next career move?
- Returning to work from time out?
- Finished college/university?
- Learn more about your skills and match them to
suitable jobs
Appointments are available both face to face and via the telephone:
Call 01254 588891/507720 or email ncs@blackburn.gov.uk
Job Club
Job Club is a friendly place where you will get practical help as you seek employment. It’s a relaxed environment with the chance to meet other jobseekers, get support and gain the tools you need to find work.
- CVs
- Covering letters
- Job searching
- Interview techniques and more
Simply Drop in to any of the centres mentioned on the left to get the help and support you need. No Booking Required.
For more information, visit www.blackburn.gov.uk/recruitment or call 01254 666483 or email employmentsupport@blackburn.gov.uk
Adult Learning
Here at Blackburn with Darwen Adult Learning, one of our key priorities is to help people progress into work, training or further learning. We have a wide range of FREE sessions, courses and services to support you in upskilling and preparing for employment.
We offer qualifications such as Customer Care, Health and Social Care, First Aid, Food Safety and Safeguarding.

Boost Your Employability
Help to develop your skills and access to employment.
Our professional and experienced support workers are on-hand to help navigate your route back to work. We have access to a range of courses, work experience and volunteering opportunities that will help to improve your appeal to employers. We work closely with employers to ensure we are able to provide tailored to suit your needs.
Our aim is to help Blackburn with Darwen residents improve their skills and employment prospects through one-to-one support. We can help with:
- Improving confidence
- Developing IT skills
- Education and training opportunities
- Accessing sport and community activities
- Volunteering and work experience
- Preparing for work, CV help, job applications, interview skills
- Increasing job prospects

Lancashire Volunteer Partnership
The Lancashire Volunteer Partnership (LVP) is a gateway into public service volunteering.
Volunteering is a great way to give back to your local community, enhance your CV and meet new people. Our volunteers tell us their experience is incredibly rewarding.
There are many different reasons that people choose to volunteer and a whole host of benefits that volunteering brings to the individuals helped, the community, and to the volunteers themselves.
It may be that you would like to gain experience in a specific area, or learn and progress in your career. Perhaps you would like the chance to meet new people. Whatever the reason; volunteering is a great way of trying something new and giving something back by making a difference to someone’s life.
For more details:
Email: lvp@blackburn.gov.uk
Website: www.lancsvp.org.uk

Employability Network Newsletter
Click here to stay Informed and up to date with our latest newsletter!
What our learners say
Unfortunately, I lost my job after 13 years of working at the same company so I asked for support to create a new CV and set-up an Indeed account, as I didn't know anything about these things.
Through the 1:1 mentoring support and encouragement I received, I now realise that I am not 'useless' and can achieve my goals.